Who I am:
Halò! My name is Caelan Jolley. I'm an aspiring 18-year-old linguist and polyglot living in Los Angeles, California. I love to do art, read books, write novels, as well as studying linguistis and learning foreign languages. I take Martial Arts including but not limited to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Krav Maga.
Why I do this:
I'm doing this to share my love for learning foreign languages with the world and help others who are learning a foreign language. I want to share my journey to becoming a polyglot so that others can avoid any of the mistakes I make and share in the things I discover. Learning a foreign language is difficult, but it's not impossible.
What this means for you:
You can learn from the mistakes I make, avoiding them or at least minimizing them, while simultaneously sharing in the discoveries I make, such as free language learning software, techniques ect. There are numerous possibilities!